
Boxing Bootcamp med start vecka 45

Nu finns möjlighet för medlemmar i DIF Boxning att gratis delta i ett Bootcamp på T-13 under 4 veckor i november. Arrangeras av Meryl Mikal.

Föranmälan krävs. Mer info nedan.


The primary focus is to help newcomers/beginners to learn the basic fundamentals of classic boxing while getting great exercise and having fun doing it.

Tuesday and Thursday mornings kl 6:45-8:15

(Included in the November schedule for DIF Boxning so members can partake.)

Members of other DIF sporting clubs (fotball, ice hockey, bandy, etc) get a 30% discount. Inquiries and registrations are sent directly to:

Email: Mcmikal@gmail.com

Cellular: 070-229 6397